Enrichment Analysis
Write a list of genes i.e. GBA, OTC or 2629, 5009 :
Example 1 Genes Example 2 OMIM disease Example 3 Orphan disease Example 4 Phenotypes
Output Network:
  • Gene-Gene Semantic Similarity from HPO
  • Gene-Gene Semantic Similarity from GO Biological Process
  • Gene-Gene Semantic Similarity from GO Celular Component
  • Gene-Gene Semantic Similarity from GO Molecular Function
  • Gene-Gene Inferred from Orphanet
  • Gene-Gene Inferred from OMIM
  • Gene-Gene Known Protein-Protein Interactions from STRING
  • Gene-Gene Known Metabolic Interactions (Veeramani et al.)
  • OMIM-OMIM Semantic Similarity from HPO
  • ORPHA-ORPHA Semantic Similarity from HPO
  • Gene-OMIM Known OMIM Relationships
  • Gene-OMIM Semantic Similarity from HPO
  • Gene-ORPHA Known from Orphanet
  • Gene-ORPHA Semantic Similarity from HPO
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

PhenUMA is a web tool to generate and analyse integrative networks from a list of genes, diseases or phenotypes.

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Phenotypic and Functional Networks

Networks built using the clinical and functional features associated with genes and diseases. Integration of different types of networks in the same network to allow study phenotypic relationships in a biomolecular context.

Phenotypic and Functional Enrichment

Most significative phenotypes or GO terms of a node or groups of nodes can be obtained. PhenUMA includes the possibility of evaluate the enrichment of terms from a selection of genes or diseases.

Networks Visualization

PhenUMA provides a network visualizer that allow work with the resulting networks: apply filters, layouts and explore the information related with the nodes and edges.

Last Update: 03/07/2014